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Electric Blanket Safety

Electric Blankets, is yours safe to use?

Testing electric blankets annually is important as all electrical appliances have the potential to deteriorate as time goes on.

They can be perfectly safe to use provided they are in good condition and have the necessary overheating safeguards incorporated into the design. If the condition of the blanket is allowed to deteriorate, there is a chance of electric shock, electrical burns which can be painful and cause permanent damage, or even fires which can cost lives.

Make sure you stay safe by ensuring that your blanket is secured to the bed using the supplied safety ties which prevent the blanket from moving and damaging the elements. When the blanket is not in use, store it flat or, if it must be folded, ensure that it is not folded too tightly.

As with any other piece of electrical equipment, it is very important that electric blankets are kept in safe working order, last year 39% of blankets tested failed. Electric blankets are usually installed beneath bedding which makes them easy to forget for routine safety checks.

Why do electric blankets fail their test?

  • They are over 10 years old and have no safety features built into the controller
  • There has been a leakage of voltage to the surface of the blanket
  • The elements have moved around inside the blanket with the potential to rub together and cause a short-circuit
  • Elements are not secured within the blanket and are exposed to the surface
  • Power lead fasteners are broken and unable to be secured
  • The surface of the blanket is worn, exposing the elements

The fact that nearly 40% of electric blankets tested last year failed, shows how important it is to have them checked regularly. As we move into the colder months, an electric blanket can be very comforting and the last thing you want is to get a shock or a burn from one or worse still – start a fire. This can be avoided by taking advantage of the free* electric blanket safety checks on offer from LG Inventories.

*For further information on how to obtain your free electric blanket safety check, please leave your name and email address in the subscribe box or click here and leave your details and we’ll be in touch. (T&C’s apply)